Yiyuan biotechnology 是国内规模最大分离纯化血浆脂蛋白的研究所,汇集中山大学具有十年以上脂蛋白研究经验专家,为广大科学家提供品质精良试剂:
人源脂蛋白相关产品     (所有说明书均为模板,具体参数以随货收到的说明书为准)
      人源低密度脂蛋白  (Human LDL    货号:YB-001 )
      氧化型低密度脂蛋白  (Human Ox-LDL, OxLDL    货号:YB-002 )
      高氧化程度低密度脂蛋白  (Human High Ox-LDL, High OxLDL    货号:YB-002-1)
      乙酰化低密度脂蛋白  (Human Ac-LDL, AcLDL    货号:YB-004)
      DiI标记氧化型低密度脂蛋白  (Human DiI-Ox-LDL    货号:YB-0010)
      DiI标记乙酰化低密度脂蛋白  (Human DiI-Ac-LDL    货号:YB-0013)
      DiI标记低密度脂蛋白  (Human DiI-LDL    货号:YB-0011)
      高密度脂蛋白  (Human HDL    货号:YB-003)
      DiI标记高密度脂蛋白  (Human DiI-HDL    货号:YB-0017)
      极低密度脂蛋白  (Human VLDL    货号:YB-009)
      DiI标记极低密度脂蛋白  (Human DiI-VLDL    货号:YB-0014)
      无脂蛋白血清  (Human Lipoprotein-free Serum or Lipoprotein Deficient Serum    货号:YB-005)
Human Low Density Lipoprotein (Human LDL) Cat. No. YB-001
LDL is a large protein (MW 3,500 kDa) with a diameter of 25.8 nm.It is composed of approximately 20-25% protein and 75-80% lipid. The lipid portion can be further described as 9% free cholesterol, 42% cholesteryl ester, 20-24% phospholipid, and 5% triglyceride.
  Yiyuan biotechnology LDL, is isolated from blood bank produced human plasma, via ultra-centrifugation (1.019-1.063g/cc). It is purified via ultracentrifugationto homogeneity determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Our LDL is membrane filtered and aseptically packaged. Store @ 4oC.
Oxidized Human LDL OxLDL Cat. No. YB-002
Our Human LDL is oxidized using Cu2SO4 (oxidant) in PBS. Oxidation is terminated by adding excess EDTA-Na2. Each lot is analyzed on agarose gel electrophoresis for migration versus LDL. This lot of OxLDL migrates 2.0fold further than the native LDL.
Yiyuanbiotech Native-LDL(n-LDL), Acetylated-LDL(Ac-LDL) and Oxidized-LDL(ox-LDL) were loaded on a agarose gel and electrophoresed for 60 minutes. The lipoproteins were stained with Sudan Black(A and B). Oil red O stainning was used to determine the formation of foam cell. RAW264.7 were incubated with with 80μg/mL ox-LDL for 24hrs.
High Oxidized LDL (High OxLDL) Cat. No. YB-002-1
Human LDL is oxidized extensively oxidized with Cu2SO4 (oxidant) in PBS at 37°C. It is used to induce cell apoptosis/death and cell injure. More detail about this product is available by sending a e-mail to: yiyuanbiotech@126.com
Acetylated Low Density Lipoprotein(Ac-LDL) Cat. No. YB-004
LDL is acetylated with acetic anhydride and dialyzed. It is ultrafiltered through a membrane and packaged aseptically under nitrogen.
DiI-Ox-LDL Cat. No. YB-0010
oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein, labeled with 1,1’-dioctadecyl – 3,3,3’,3’-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate, which is highly fluorescent lipophilic dyes that diffuse into the hydrophobic portion of the LDL complex without affecting the LDL-specific binding of the apoprotein. DiI-Ox-LDL is used to label both vascular endothelial cells and macrophages. It can be used to identify and/or isolate these cells from mixed cell populations and investigate uptake and binding of modified LDL by different cell types. DiI has been excited at 488nm or 514nm and the emission is detected at 565 nm.

Representive confocal images of suptake of DiI-ox-LDL in macrop-
hages from ApoE knockout mice.
DiI-Ac-LDL Cat. No. YB-0013
Acetylated Low Density Lipoprotein, labeled with 1,1’-dioctadecyl – 3,3,3’,3’-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate(see DiI-Ox-LDL ). Modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) including Ox-LDL, Ac-LDL can bind to cell membrance via class A scavenger receptor (SR-A) , CD36 and LOX-1 etc. When cells are labeled with DiI-Ac-LDL, the lipoprotein is degraded by lysosomal enzymes and the DiI (fluorescent probe) accumulates in the intracellular membranes. It can be used to quantify uptake of modified LDL. It also be used to identify isolated cells including vascular endothelial cells, macrophages, and endothelial progenitor cells(EPC).

Confocal images indicate
binding of DiI-Ac-LDL in
macrophages membrance
DiI-LDL Cat. No. YB-0011
Low Density Lipoprotein labeled with 1,1’-dioctadecyl – 3,3,3’,3’-tetramethyl-indocarbocyanine perchlorate(see DiI-Ox-LDL ).
Human High Density Lipoprotein, HDL Cat. No. YB-003
Human High Density Lipoprotein, HDL, (Cat. No. YB-003) is isolated from blood bank produced human plasma. It is purified via ultracentrifugation (d=1.063 ~1.21 g/mL) to homogeneity determined by agarose gel electrophoresis.
VLDL Cat. No. YB-009
VLDL (d= <1.006 g/mL) is isolated from human plasma by ultracentrifugation. The purified VLDL is ultrafiltered through a membrane and packaged aseptically under nitrogen.
Human DiI-VLDL Cat. No. YB-0014
Purified YB VLDL is labeled with the fluorescent probe, DiI, and reisolated by ultracentrifugation (d <1.006 g/mL). The resultant product is exhaustively dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline, (pH 7.4), sterilized by membrane filtration and then aseptically packaged in a solution containing phosphate-buffered saline at pH 7.4 and 0.1 mM EDTA-Na2.
anti-SRA and anti-CD36
The macrophage class A scavenger receptor (SR-A) and CD36 mediate the uptake of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) including Ox-LDL, Ac-LDL, anti-SR-A and anti-CD36 is an affinity purified goat polyclonal antibody raised against a peptide mapping within an internal region of SR-A of human origin.

       Western blot analysis of SR-A
       expression in THP-1 whole cell
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